@ President NorCal Dowsers
President of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA.
Young People’s Mystery School of Dowsing Coordinator and Instructor
Jeannette was introduced to dowsing twenty-five years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, enhancing her skills with many others including Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Pat Delafield, Barney Turner, Sharry Hope, G, etc. She dowses professionally and has taught for many years, regularly instructing youths & adults on how to incorporate dowsing to improve their world.
Nor Cal Dowsers’ has received ASD awards for “Best Website,” “Best Newsletter” and “Best Chapter”.
Jeannette’s a minister and avid seeker who enjoys nature, writing, photography, animals, people and health. M.A. in National Security Studies, B.A. in Political Science, etc. Contact info: NorCalDowsers@gmail.com (email) or 530.222.2024 (landline) & website: www.NorCalDowsers.com.
Saturday and Sunday: The Youth Classes run from 9:00-noon, students will spend the 2 hour lunch period from Noon-2:00 PM with their parents and then resume class from 2:00-5:00 PM. Interactive Dowsing Program for cooperative school age students who are eager to learn the ancient art of Dowsing. All dowsing tools will be taught (L-rod, Y-rod, pendulum). This workshop is to create self-awareness and self-confidence around Dowsing. Students will learn how to measure auras, answer yes and no questions, how to choose healthy food, how to detect and find thought forms.
Any youth interested in learning about dowsing in a fun and collaborative atmosphere might want to participate in this one or two day program. Students will learn to use dowsing tools, and deviceless dowsing to improve themselves, others, and the greater environment. They will learn to use dowsing for making better decisions and gaining answers, as well as finding optimal locations, missing objects, and eliminating negative influences.
**Parent(s) or Responsible Adult must be attending conference same day, and take youth(s) for lunch.