Harold Sexson is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist
and Aroma Therapist. He has been a Dowser for over
35 years, specializing in house dowsing for geopathic
zones and health. His background in engineering and
aerospace has given him a unique perspective to
“energy” and its many effects on body energetics. He
owns Natures Oils, LLC a company which provides
energized organic essential oils and custom oil blends.
Contact Harold at 480-998-9055 or e-mail at
[email protected]
Website www.naturesoils.net .

Description of his talk:

Dowsing Number Sequences for Health and Happiness

This talk teaches you how to dowse your own number sequences for health
and happiness of yourself and others.
Many times it has been shown that health problems are really a question of
balance either emotionally, spiritually or physically. Most of these
problems can be remedied by using dowsing by simply asking for
guidance and developing a number sequence. Putting this sequence into
water and using drops of the water to reinforce the positive result. This
technique varies from some other ways of doing this by also developing a
desired strength of the drops. Forms will be provided to assist in teaching
you how to do this.