Dowsing is focused intuition and more…..
Learn to map dowse, find treasure, discover water well sites on your property! Find missing people, missing pets and missing items! We offer a Beginners Dowsing School. Consider making a donation towards a scholarship for a deserving student!
Join our Keynote speaker, Sandee Mac from Arizona while she gives her inspirational talk at our Saturday Night Keynote Gala Dinner! Sandee has been dowsing professionally for over 40 years and has a great interest in supporting others to their greatest potential, so they can then assist others to do the same, and it ripples out. Her compilation of tools and commitment to safe, powerful, and lasting change, drives her work. The more people who embrace “waking up,” resolve their issues and challenges, and step into their life purposes, the more we all as humanity and all of creation benefit and shine brightly.
Experience World-Class speakers teaching cutting edge subjects! Learn how to communicate with other dimensions, dowse for gold, create thought forms and do remote dowsing!
Energy Secrets for Staying Healthy and Youthful John Thompson’s exploration of energy and health began in 1976 with the first of 17 trips to the magical, mystical land of India. That same year he began practicing reflexology, Touch For Health and Breath of Fire. In this entertaining presentation, you will learn many important keys for maintaining your youth and vitality, including: *Using foot and hand reflexology to energetically release bodily ailments and afflictions *How to utilize a powerful mantra breathing practice known as Pranayama to control your breath and your life *The amazing energy system called Touch For Health, including throwing “energy balls” that can impact people or animals from a good distance away *The history and amazing potential of Orgone energy in completely protecting yourself from the negative effects of EMFs, including cell phones, computers, electrical stations, “smart” meters, cell towers, etc.. *The ancient history of Kombucha Mushroom Tea and its life-changing health benefits *How to practice the 5 rites from The Fountain of Youth in maintaining eternal youth During the past 40 years, John has studied with many highly evolved energy masters, including Sathya Sai Baba, Ravi Shankar, Amachi, Ramtha, Karunamai, and Nithyananda. The presentation will include healing wisdom from these enlightened beings.
1 hour 15 minues
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom B
If you've ever wanted to learn how to treasure dowse, dowse for gold or find something of value, this is the class for you. Robert has over 20 years of experience dowsing for treasure.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Dowsing + SuperConscious = Healing
DaNell will share how she applies the intuition received from Dowsing Charts to make lasting results in someone’s life, health, and well-being? Learn about your SuperConscious and how tapping into your intuition/SuperConscious can affect you and your client’s, even when they are across the country or around the world. SuperConscious can neutralize or delete imbalances and memories. It’s simple and very powerful.
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom A
I have always been intrigued about energy healing, consciousness, and health. In 1997 while raising my 5 children, I embarked on some extraordinary classes with people who were far ahead of their time in energy healing. I learned to be very proficient with Radionics, Dowsing, Rapid Eye Therapy, Tapping and several other modalities. I discovered […] Dowsing and the Power of Resonance What are you fighting in your life? Illness, fear, anger, cravings, habits, your weight, other people, yourself, to “get ahead?” Are you fighting for acceptance, fame, money? Have you been winning or losing? Even with the answers that dowsing provides, you may still feel overwhelmed or overmatched sometimes. What if there was an easier way to win these fights? What if you could enter each fight knowing you cannot lose? This possible by aligning the power of dowsing with the power of resonance. To me, resonance is the power that is released when conflict is replaced by harmony. Learn how you can change and enhance your reactions and interactions with everything you’ve been fighting. How exciting! You will experience four powerful tools, feel their power, and laugh a bit before the hour is over. In a state of resonance, you have more power to easily achieve your goals while having more fun in the process.
1 hour 15 minues
Alan Handelsman was a professional musician for 30 years. He then discovered a quicker way of putting people to sleep with less heavy lifting – hypnotherapy. He now helps people who are stuck or stressed perform better while enjoying it more. People look at Alan and feel better, either because of his unique, powerful healing skills […]
http://sourcehypnosis.comThe Invisible World That Directs This Lifetime For most of our short time on earth, we think we can direct this man-made world. We have learned we can’t control it, but we still think we can direct it with our thoughts and actions. Most of us do not realize we live on a planet that is in deep connection to the constellations, the energies and sounds emanating from space and the various systems pulling the strings. To name just a few of these earth systems, there is the system of astrology, dowsing, numerology and all the current sciences. We still don’t know how to travel at the speed of light, how to levitate, how to heal our bodies through our personal sound, how spontaneously we leave the body and various other parts of the invisible world that continuously operate in our lives. For our visit here to planet earth it is essential to understand the mysteries waiting to be discovered in the invisible world. We remain in fear as we are unaware of this vast continuum of space and time. We dismiss most of the messages delivered to us through our intuition, we don’t bother to decipher our dreams and we still focus on the how of our lives instead of the “what”. Our experience here was not to figure out the how but to get clear on the what. The invisible world always works out the “how” of our lives. Our gift to us from the invisible world is the gift of choice. We choose and the invisible world guides, directs and stops us from harm if we learn to trust it. Most of us can’t or won’t, substituting intellectual knowledge for knowing how. This program will provide insight into this invisible world and its hidden systems. Our planetary system ties itself to a sister star whose orbit we follow. Civilizations have come and gone under the orbit of constellations. We are now, in the Age of Aquarius, under the constellation of Aquarius and have entered one of the most dangerous times for civilization. The bulk of the civilizations that perished in ancient history did so under the constellation of Aquarius.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
The Invisible World That Directs This Lifetime For most of our short time on earth, we think we can direct this man-made world. We have learned we can’t control it, but we still think we can direct it with our thoughts and actions. Most of us do not realize we live on a planet that […]
http://www.gailminogue.comThe Answers Are In The Energy We are all energy and on this earth to make a difference. We can tap into universal energies to get the answers to our most difficult and challenging questions. Uncovering the answers to understand who we are and why we are here is essential to each of us living the life we are meant to live. To uncover these answers, we must find the way(s) that work best for us. Vince will share with us the most important questions, ways that we can use to find the answers and then channel the archangels and ascended masters to include Metatron, Michael, and St Germain. Select attendees with be able to ask questions. As a speaker, teacher, coach, clear conscious channel, and co-author of “Moments of Choice.” Vince Kramer’s distinct combination of experience, education and research helps him develop powerful talks, workshops, and online training in finding success and fulfillment by living life by their design. Mary is a practitioner of several modalities that support and raise energetic vibration. She is passionate about uniting like-minded people to collectively discover and master universal principles to envision and co-create a new way of life.
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom B
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Learn how to dowse a water well with expert water dowsers.
1 hour 15 minues
Geomantic Paradigms – Connecting Spirit and Landscape Presentation Outline: A geomantic worldview examining how we interact with Spirit and Landscape. What makes a place feel special to us? How can we communicate with the Spirit of Place? This talk invites the listeners to question their interaction with landscape and environment. By using our dowsing and examining the psychogeography of an area, we can consciously connect and communicate with the genius loci, or Spirit of Place. The presentation includes several examples from Grahame’s own travels.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Biography – Grahame Gardner (Scotland) Grahame is a professional member and past President of The British Society of Dowsers and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious BSD Award and honorary Life Membership for exceptional services to dowsing and the Society. He is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsers and is a […] class is an introduction to the practical application of Quantum Divining. Brandon will be speaking about the solutions that were developed along the way on his very long path of creating a 100% accurate divining style that can be taught to anyone.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
Brandon’s first experience with divining was at 10 years old when his father handed him a willow branch and told him to go outside and find water. It was the most shocking experience of his life! He threw the stick down and ran inside, terrified that the force he felt was going to pull him […] With the Grief of COVID: Then, Now and the Aftermath When COVID struck, at first some thought it was a temporary hitch in their plans. Others felt it was the beginning of the End Times. All of us have likely been affected more deeply than we know. With shutdown, years of our lives have been restricted, or even lost. We have lost time with loved ones, cancelled travel plans, missed entertainment, dating and human contact. Products and materials have been unavailable. We have experienced isolation, loneliness, illness, lasting symptoms and even death. The world may never be the same. What do we do now? In this session, we will explore the range of emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual costs, recognize their effects on us, and experience practices that can allow the release and clearing of the grief that is attached. We will demonstrate various healing techniques, and use our dowsing tools. We will work both in group processes and with individual volunteers from the attending group. Bring your pendulum and take a step forward out of grieving, into a sense of emerging normalcy, and begin creating an open-ended future. It’s time. BIOS Steve and MaryAnn Orsary Steve is a shamanic practitioner who uses shamanic techniques in his healing work. He communes with the spirit of Mount Tamalpais, and leads ceremonial hikes to power places there. MaryAnn is a licensed MFT trained in the Hakomi method of somatic psychotherapy. She brings warmth, sensitive listening skills, and deep intuitive perception to her work. Both are Certified Bioenergy Balancing and Attunement practitioners and use dowsing to communicate with the body and helping spirits. Steve and MaryAnn have been combining male and female representations of profound care in their healing practice for over 35 years. Contact us at
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Steve is a shamanic practitioner who uses shamanic techniques in his healing work. He communes with the spirit of Mount Tamalpais, and leads ceremonial hikes to power places there. MaryAnn is a licensed MFT trained in the Hakomi method of somatic psychotherapy. She brings warmth, sensitive listening skills, and deep intuitive perception to her work. […]
http://www.bioenergy-balancing.comEarth Changes - The Golden Age - In this class you will Determine if you are on the right time line using dowsing.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
Bio for Althea Gray Althea Gray is a practicing Healer with a global practice for more than 20 years. She comes from a lineage of Healers from Nicaragua. She trained with many exceptional spiritual teachers around the world since the age of 17. This has made her unique approach to ‘healing’ deep and compassionate. Over […]‘Activating Ascension Portals in Arizona’ I was divinely guided to activate six ascension portals in the Tucson-Green Valley, Arizona area. This area was destined to be a sacred valley of light. The portals anchor in 5D ascension energies, allowing new crystalline light frequencies to raise Earth’s consciousness. Divine guidance said, “the time has arrived for celestial cities of light to be awakened upon the Earth plane.” I was assisted by various galactic beings of light, sacred mountain energies, and ancient shamanic spirits. Their intent was to help humanity spiritually shift into universal oneness consciousness. The six ascension portals create a sacred geometry Fibonacci spiral pattern, which is a mirror reflection of the Giza pyramid plateau pattern. The six-portal area is energetically connected to the Great Pyramid. Divine guidance showed me a new way to interact with labyrinths in the Tucson-Green Valley area. It is an energetic upgrade from walking the pattern, allowing labyrinths to be portals for higher consciousness. I used intuitive dowsing and dowsing tools to connect with and energetically shift ley lines, vortexes, and portals in the valley. I used deviceless body dowsing while clearing and activating the portals. I will detail the portal process and why this activation is happening now. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Biography Deb Starwalker Peterson I have used dowsing for over twenty years, as part of daily living and in my professional energy therapy practice. For nine years, I taught dowsing in metaphysical and earth healing classes. I use dowsing tools and deviceless dowsing when working with ley lines, portals, vortexes, and earth grids. My intent is to help with consciousness enlightenment for Mother Earth and humanity.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Presentation by Deb Starwalker Peterson ‘Activating Ascension Portals in Arizona’ I was divinely guided to activate six ascension portals in the Tucson-Green Valley, Arizona area. This area was destined to be a sacred valley of light. The portals anchor in 5D ascension energies, allowing new crystalline light frequencies to raise Earth’s consciousness. Divine guidance said, […]
https://www.Wellness-Energetics.comYes, we'll be bending spoons and seeing auras! Come and have a blast with Elizabeth!
1 hour 15 minues
Who wants to learn how to bend spoons and see auras? This is the class for you!
“Time Travel” You CAN Go Back in Time And CHANGE it! WELL…… we all have them…… some glorious ……. some pretty messy or horrible……. those past & future lives that still color our current life. Our resumes of past lives give us the huge range of experiences in the Planet Earth School. Originally trained in the 70’s to do Past Life work, Sandee has successfully done Past Life Resolution work on thousands in groups & individually. She now shares some amazing shortcuts to help us discover, understand, completely heal and resolve the messy ones. We will learn to clear the past and change the future. Many of these lives and circumstances overshadow us now. They may very well powerfully and directly affect our health, finances, relationships, happiness and so much more. Bring your Pendulums, and your issues, and let’s get work done and all leave much lighter.
3 hours
My Approach I believe my Vision and approach is somewhat different than many other systems. I’ve seen suffering and tremendous frustration with so many people, especially sincere, well-meaning, spiritually-open people. It has touched me deeply, because I recognize so much of it as unnecessary and, in many cases, easily resolved. I have no interest in […] hours
GRAHAME GARDNER: The Compete Guide to House Healing. This advanced full-day workshop explores the art and skill of healing houses. We’ll look at methods for dealing with geopathic and psycho-spiritual stress using dowsing and shamanic methods. You will learn about earth acupuncture, how to work remotely, how to perform a spirit release, how to connect with interdimensional energies, protocols for working with a space and much more. Everything you need to know about healing a space on both physical and spiritual levels. Bring along your spirit guides and we’ll have fun!
8 hours
Biography – Grahame Gardner (Scotland) Grahame is a professional member and past President of The British Society of Dowsers and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious BSD Award and honorary Life Membership for exceptional services to dowsing and the Society. He is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsers and is a […] Dowsing "The Spirit Connection" By Nick Salzman The Dowser is guided to tap into the unseen by obtaining information with tangible feedback. Whether it is the use of the L Rods, Bobbers, tree branch, Lechnar antennas, or the pendulum. Many are familiar with how to use such a tool to gain a response or bio feedback to the many questions that arise in life. Although many have become proficient in these areas of discovery, there is a part that seems to be mysterious and beyond the grasp of the average person. This couldn't be farther than the truth, although we are all unique we are connected to a body of consciousness that is connected to all life. Some call it life force, some call it Chi, Prana, Holy Spirit: Either way it permeates our existence and if we can learn to tap into this energy we can help perfect our fate through the art of Dowsing. The world of spirit seems outside of us and is yet at the core the very being who we are. Beyond thought, beyond reason, and beyond what the eye can see lies an entire reality that may seem hidden, but with the right tools and the will to approach with love, we can perceive this realm of all that is without difficulty. All Dowsing objects are just tools to help perceive subtle energies. What if we knew that our bodies can receive this kind of feedback in other ways? In this workshop, we will discuss the many ways our bodies pick up and interpret subtle energies that give rise to the phenomenon such as empathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, and intuition. Using the pendulum as a tool to help stimulate change, we can heal, balance, and strengthen the connection to our inner world and the world around us. In turn bringing balance and fulfillment to our lives. This expression allows us to leave an imprint on existence rather than merely live with the imprints life has given us. It is difficult to say where we all will land down this path of discovery, but it is clear. We are here in the same time and space for a reason, while we're here, lets help walk each other home. In this workshop we will cover the topics of how to use your body as a pendulum, how to use the breath to amplify the energy of the body, mind, spirit. How to safely communicate with spirits. If needed, how to cross over earthbound entities as well. This will be a great opportunity to fine tune our Intuition, sharpen our empathic abilities, and learn how the pendulum can help enhance all of this. The study of life, death, and the human spirit have fascinated many civilizations for a millennia. Yet it seems so mysterious and sometimes frightening to so many of us. Others have turned their research to the study of the Paranormal with electronic devices to gain some kind of evidence to the unseen world around us. Although we may have our own opinions on the subject, I believe most would believe that we have some kind of soul or energy inside us giving our bodies life. This same energy is around us all the time with people that have passed away and for many reasons have not been able to move on. What if we could help them? Through the art of dowsing we can become proficient in getting readings on energy and clarification to many questions. Have you ever been in the presence of something you couldn't explain and wanted to know more? Through this discussion I will dive into the world of the unseen and help illuminate what lies behind the veil that has fascinated humanity for ages. I would like to take you on a journey back to the core of your being. Where we use a pendulum to help guide us and positively affect the world around you. To demystify the fear associated with spiritual phenomenon and to give knowledge and love in its place. If this is your calling, I can't wait to join you on your journey.
3 hours
The study of life, death, and the human spirit have fascinated many civilizations for a millennia. Yet it seems so mysterious and sometimes frightening to so many of us. Others have turned their research to the study of the Paranormal with electronic devices to gain some kind of evidence to the unseen world around us. […]
http://www.pendulumapometrics.comDowsing on Mental/Emotional Issues Subtitle: - The Root Cause of Problems Problems have a nasty habit of repeating unless the root cause is addressed. Dowsing is perfect for locating that information both with and without charts, and Roxanne has created dozens of charts for this purpose. Actions flow from emotions which are caused by a thought or judgment. This workshop will teach you how to shift that thought and positively change the emotional consequences that then impacts any action that follows. You will learn how to successfully dowse with or without consciously knowing any problem’s origin, as many issues stem from the dim past or prior lifetimes. Yet, on the level of your superconscious, you can still extract wisdom, shift judgments, heal emotional wounds, and turn even painful events into growth experiences that add to your wisdom and inner resources.
3 hours
Saturday: The Youth Classes run from 9:00-noon, students will spend the 2 hour lunch period from Noon-2:00 PM with their parents and then resume class from 2:00-5:00 PM. Interactive Dowsing Program for cooperative school age students who are eager to learn the ancient art of Dowsing. All dowsing tools will be taught (L-rod, Y-rod, pendulum). This workshop is to create self-awareness and self-confidence around Dowsing. Students will learn how to measure auras, answer yes and no questions, how to choose healthy food, how to detect and find thought forms.
**Parent(s) or Responsible Adult must be attending conference same day, and take youth(s) for lunch.
Example of a 6 Year Old Dowsing a Well
8 hours
Flagstaff Vendor Room
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […] of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA. Young People’s Mystery School of Dowsing Coordinator and Instructor Jeannette was introduced to dowsing twenty-five years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, enhancing her skills with many others including Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Pat Delafield, Barney Turner, Sharry Hope, G, etc. She dowses […]
http://www.NorCalDowsers.comSunday: The Youth Classes run from 9:00-noon, students will spend the 2 hour lunch period from Noon-2:00 PM with their parents and then resume class from 2:00-5:00 PM. Interactive Dowsing Program for cooperative school age students who are eager to learn the ancient art of Dowsing. All dowsing tools will be taught (L-rod, Y-rod, pendulum). This workshop is to create self-awareness and self-confidence around Dowsing. Students will learn how to measure auras, answer yes and no questions, how to choose healthy food, how to detect and find thought forms.
**Parent(s) or Responsible Adult must be attending conference same day, and take youth(s) for lunch.
Example of a 6 Year Old Dowsing a Well
8 hours
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […] of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA. Young People’s Mystery School of Dowsing Coordinator and Instructor Jeannette was introduced to dowsing twenty-five years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, enhancing her skills with many others including Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Pat Delafield, Barney Turner, Sharry Hope, G, etc. She dowses […]
http://www.NorCalDowsers.comDowsing Number Sequences for Health and Happiness This talk teaches you how to dowse your own number sequences for health and happiness of yourself and others. Many times it has been shown that health problems are really a question of balance either emotionally, spiritually or physically. Most of these problems can be remedied by using dowsing by simply asking for guidance and developing a number sequence. Putting this sequence into water and using drops of the water to reinforce the positive result. This technique varies from some other ways of doing this by also developing a desired strength of the drops. Forms will be provided to assist in teaching you how to do this. Harold Sexson is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist and Aroma Therapist. He has been a Dowser for over 35 years, specializing in house dowsing for geopathic zones and health. His background in engineering and aerospace has given him a unique perspective to “energy” and its many effects on body energetics. He owns Natures Oils, LLC a company which provides energized organic essential oils and custom oil blends. Contact Harold at 480-998-9055 or e-mail at [email protected] Website . Website
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Harold Sexson is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist and Aroma Therapist. He has been a Dowser for over 35 years, specializing in house dowsing for geopathic zones and health. His background in engineering and aerospace has given him a unique perspective to “energy” and its many effects on body energetics. He owns Natures Oils, LLC a […]
http://www.naturesoils.net1 hour 15 minues
As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and outer guidance to all dowsing activity. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others.
Title: Evolving with the Help of Labyrinths, Dowsing & Metaphysics Description: Have we realized the full potential of the connections between the seven circuits of the Ancient Labyrinth and the seven chakras, or states of consciousness? The labyrinth can do more than merely relax and rejuvenate us, or stimulate new insights. Using the path’s unique, non-linear sequence through the chakras as a meditation could become one of our most effective exercises to shift humanity into a heart-centered consciousness. We will explore the key role that the fourth circuit or “heart path” plays in the transformational power of the labyrinth, by decoding the geometrical structure of the path sequence; by making connections to the mystical messages within the Arthurian and Grail legends; and by learning how to use the 7 Questions Visioning Meditation, and augment it with dowsing. Richard Feather Anderson 2036 Nevada City Hwy #20 Grass Valley, CA 95945 530-272-7737 [email protected]
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Susan walks her talk of manifestation and making great things happen in her life. You can do the same. Don't believe it? By attending this conference, you are living just one of her grand manifestations. You'll walk out of this presentation knowing that you have more money than you could ever possibly spend. Or go to the other classes offered at this time. The choice is yours.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […] Dowsing and the Power of Resonance What are you fighting in your life? Illness, fear, anger, cravings, habits, your weight, other people, yourself, to “get ahead?” Are you fighting for acceptance, fame, money? Have you been winning or losing? Even with the answers that dowsing provides, you may still feel overwhelmed or overmatched sometimes. What if there was an easier way to win these fights? What if you could enter each fight knowing you cannot lose? This possible by aligning the power of dowsing with the power of resonance. To me, resonance is the power that is released when conflict is replaced by harmony. Learn how you can change and enhance your reactions and interactions with everything you’ve been fighting. How exciting! You will experience four powerful tools, feel their power, and laugh a bit before the hour is over. In a state of resonance, you have more power to easily achieve your goals while having more fun in the process.
1 hour 15 minues
Alan Handelsman was a professional musician for 30 years. He then discovered a quicker way of putting people to sleep with less heavy lifting – hypnotherapy. He now helps people who are stuck or stressed perform better while enjoying it more. People look at Alan and feel better, either because of his unique, powerful healing skills […]
http://sourcehypnosis.comDeviceless Dowsing — Can’t find your pendulum, and can’t dowse for it because you can’t find it? Shy about dowsing at the supermarket when you can’t decide which melon is best, and you don’t want others to think you’re acting strangely? Come learn dowsing methods as old as dowsing itself! You will gain the confidence to use at least one of these methods, presented by one person who has lost too many pendulums over the past 40 years, and another who loves dowsing tools, but doesn’t always want to carry them around. You will learn to dowse without any tools, but with various parts of your body!
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
Nicolas Finck has been dowsing since 1980, and uses it daily for a variety of things such as choosing vitamins, grocery items or alternative routes when driving. He founded the Golden Gate Dowsers chapter of the ASD, and was a director of the West Coast Conference. He and his wife Elizabeth Gaines were on the West […]
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […]“STEADY DOWSING IN THESE CHANGING TIMES” Times used to be simpler – dowse to find water, a lost pet, or for which vitamin to take. Now that we are in this time of major transcendence or dimensional shift there may be a lot more factors to consider or dowse about to get precise information. Topics like dowsing futures – just trust? Or prepare? what about different dimensions being revealed? who/what to trust? Sandee will discuss some of these variables, as well as some resources to use with your dowsing. Some things are even radical or controversial, so bring your courage and questions! Sandee has been proudly kicked off Youtube for some of her information so you know it might be good! Teaching dowsing since the 70’s I’ve been about the business, the privilege, and the opportunity of helping people make changes since the 1970s. I’ve searched for, studied, researched, and designed systems and modalities that will:
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
My Approach I believe my Vision and approach is somewhat different than many other systems. I’ve seen suffering and tremendous frustration with so many people, especially sincere, well-meaning, spiritually-open people. It has touched me deeply, because I recognize so much of it as unnecessary and, in many cases, easily resolved. I have no interest in […], Dowsing, and Birth of a New Humanity
My talk is divided into 2 parts. Part 1. Humanity is currently undergoing a metamorphosis which can be detected by radiesthesia and a neutral pendulum. The result is the birth of a new humanity. I will describe what is happening and offer you the tools to visualize the metamorphosis. Part 2: Thoughts and awareness allow you to dowse and connect to everything. It is part of your ability for both mental dowsing as well as physical dowsing (radiesthesia). We will explore this as well as the implication of who you are: Your I AM essence. We will explore the meaning of our being thoughts within thoughts within thoughts. We will explore connecting to your I AM essence.
Jerry Gin, Ph.D. Chairman/CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR)Jerry Gin has spent more than 55 years in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, laboratory medicine, and biotechnology industries (founded ChemTrak, Oculex Pharmaceuticals, Livionex, Nuvora, and Visionex). His passionate interests have been in the areas of mind-being, consciousness, and the nature of reality. He is author of The Seeker and The Teacher of Light and Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality: A Path to I AM. See . YouTube channel: Education: Ph.D. in Biochemistry — UC Berkeley, MBA from Loyola, BS in Chemistry from University of Arizona
Chairman and CEO, Foundation for Mind-Being Research; Member, San Jose Dowsers Sunnyvale CA, [email protected] (408) 431-3719.1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom C
Jerry Gin, Ph.D. is Chairman, CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research ( He has been an entrepreneur and scientist, but his main interest is understanding the nature of the universe which translates to understanding consciousness, the nature of creation, and who we are. His research has led him to a deeper understanding of our essence, […] of the best water dowsers are teaching at this conference. Come sit in on this panel disucssion and get your water dowsing questions answered.
1 hour 15 minues
As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and outer guidance to all dowsing activity. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others.
Richard Roy has had amazing experiences in dowsing and drilling for water in Guatemala and Haiti. Richard’s dowsing work abroad has led him to gain powerful new perceptions about life and invaluable hands-on experience in finding water.
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […]‘A New Way of Interacting with the Spirit of a Labyrinth’ Divine guidance showed me a new way to connect with labyrinths, which can be an energetic upgrade from the traditional way of walking the pattern. Labyrinths can be ascension portals of higher consciousness, which can energetically benefit the people who go to them. I was guided to go to the labyrinths in the Tucson-Green Valley area to connect with them in a new spiritual way. I am gifted with being able to see, feel, shift, and communicate with various energies and spirits. It’s like being a ‘labyrinth whisperer’, telepathically and energetically connecting with the spirit of each labyrinth. I will explain this new way of connecting with them, give examples of various types of labyrinth interactions, and let participants experience this way of energetically connecting with the labyrinth.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Presentation by Deb Starwalker Peterson ‘Activating Ascension Portals in Arizona’ I was divinely guided to activate six ascension portals in the Tucson-Green Valley, Arizona area. This area was destined to be a sacred valley of light. The portals anchor in 5D ascension energies, allowing new crystalline light frequencies to raise Earth’s consciousness. Divine guidance said, […]
https://www.Wellness-Energetics.comAliens have been visiting our planet for thousands of years. Some even live among us. Come listen to the fascinating tales that Tom has experienced personally while living in Sedona for the past 30+ years and his theories as to what they will be doing in the present day and in the future. This will be a compelling lecture you don't want to miss if you're a fan of extraterrestrials, bigfoot and mysterious phenomena.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
This is the first of a 2-part seminar & workshop. Here we will look at what drains our energy to take effective action to make a maximum, positive difference the world. This includes unresolved personal issues, soul loss, stress, scattered or detrimental energies including negative group consciousness. We will discuss various ways to address these, & how to raise consciousness with exercises & dowsing charts. Then when we join with others in envisioning a healthy, harmonious world, we multiply the already enhanced energies for maximum, positive impact. The impact each individual has on the global psychic airways for good or ill cannot be discounted. And the combined power of people coming together as a focus group to affect change cannot be underestimated. Both are essential. Continue tomorrow for Part 2, “The Power of Group Consciousness”, & then if desired, follow up with an intensive workshop Monday “Dowsing On Mental/Emotional Issues - the Root Cause of Problems”.
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom A
Dowsing with the Body for Energy Analysis and Renewal This is a highly interactive class with all participants receiving an analysis of 20- 50 energy pathways. This has a monetary value of several hundred dollars, but the value for your health far surpasses that. Each attendee will receive a personalized Qigong exercise routine that will take approximately 5 minutes every morning to begin your day with your energy body flowing correctly for better health. This helps body functions, as well as things like cognition, memory, less anxiety, and contentment. Qigong exercises are always very easy, and many can even be done from a wheelchair, or while seated in front of your TV. Such as thumping acupuncture point ST15 to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on the body, mind, and emotions. Many of these tests were developed by the famous healer Donna Eden. This will be an amazing gift for your body. BIO: Chris Goin-Anderson has been a Shaman and Certified in Natural Therapies for over 20 years. Her primary goal is to restore homeostasis in the body without drugs or surgeries whenever possible. This often includes finding where destructive energies are coming from using dowsing rods or a pendulum. She is the author of two books: Dear Bonnie, My Life at Lake of the Ozarks (Self-Healing Techniques to Bridge the Gap Between Heaven and Earth) and Dowsing to Heal Body, Home and Earth. She has dedicated the past 20 years to discovering the hidden secrets to obtaining all that we desire. Chris Goin-Anderson 573-746-0864 Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to learn to choose love instead of fear. For the glory of God I send you Peace and Blessings on this Sacred Day.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
BIO: Chris Goin-Anderson has been a Shaman and Certified in Natural Therapies for over 20 years. Her primary goal is to restore homeostasis in the body without drugs or surgeries whenever possible. This often includes finding where destructive energies are coming from using dowsing rods or a pendulum. She is the author of two books: Dear […]
http://www.ChrisGoinTherapies.com1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
The study of life, death, and the human spirit have fascinated many civilizations for a millennia. Yet it seems so mysterious and sometimes frightening to so many of us. Others have turned their research to the study of the Paranormal with electronic devices to gain some kind of evidence to the unseen world around us. […]
http://www.pendulumapometrics.comCrop Circle Manifestation - Join Sharon Mahany in a guided tour of more than twelve crop circles as they were presented to her. Somehow these elemental energy art pieces coincided with poetry that Sharon created, appearing synchronistically as illustrations. Not knowing anything about crop circles: where they were located, who was creating them, and why; she became a little curious, weirded out, and then fascinated. She wanted to know what was going on. Was someone or something intercepting her email? Were the crop circles created before or after her poems? Were humans involved, extra- terrestrials, or earth energies? What meaning might be behind this phenomenon? Experience the poems and crop circles as they meet. Rather than using scientific method, this is a more experiential process. Plan to open your heart to a place where human consciousness meets other- worldly energy. Sharon will share some theories of manifestation and resonance, and then we will participate in a group manifestation process based on quantum physics, intent and intuition. Crop Circle Manifestation Sharon Mahany was introduced to dowsing as a child by her uncle, Robert Wade-Mahany, who pioneered an emotional/past life query system to get to the root of healing using a recording wire. She has been a member of Sierra Dowsers in Sacramento, CA for 18 years and an editor of ASD’s American Dowser quarterly digest from 2015-2021. Sharon works as a Teacher and Lifecoach to create ideal health and well-being using Human Design, Reiki, Emotional Processing, bioenergetic tuning forks, and of course, dowsing. Sharon is an award-winning poet and now a crop circle appreciator. Sharon teaches classes at Contact Sharon at 916-759-2043 or by email at [email protected].
1 hour 15 minues
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Traditions, Where Will They Lead Us? CLICK TO REGISTER >>> ($75 for Arizona Pistachio Chicken Dinner or Vegetarian Dinner; you MUST reserve your dinner by Wednesday, October 4, 2023) Traditions, which ones do we follow or which ones follow us? How do traditions and ritual play a part in our every day lives? Come to the Keynote Presentation and hear the inspiring words of Past British Society of Dowsers President, Grahame Gardner.
2 Hours 30 Minutes
Grand Ballroom B
Everyone is Welcome to Attend; Cost of Dinner is $60
Biography – Grahame Gardner (Scotland) Grahame is a professional member and past President of The British Society of Dowsers and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious BSD Award and honorary Life Membership for exceptional services to dowsing and the Society. He is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsers and is a […] presentation will go into depth about the entire process involved in How to dry out your damp basement through water diversion as well as reaching water from dowsing and locating to digging, securing, and maintaining a well. Richard will also speak on water purification, well drilling machinery and the various drilling techniques he has employed on small budgets. If you are interested in water dowsing, this is a presentation to attend!
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Richard Roy has had amazing experiences in dowsing and drilling for water in Guatemala and Haiti. Richard’s dowsing work abroad has led him to gain powerful new perceptions about life and invaluable hands-on experience in finding water.
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom C
Earth Changes – The Golden Age – In this class you will Determine if you are on the right time line using dowsing.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Bio for Althea Gray Althea Gray is a practicing Healer with a global practice for more than 20 years. She comes from a lineage of Healers from Nicaragua. She trained with many exceptional spiritual teachers around the world since the age of 17. This has made her unique approach to ‘healing’ deep and compassionate. Over […]
http://www.altheagray.comThe Answers Are In The Energy We are all energy and on this earth to make a difference. We can tap into universal energies to get the answers to our most difficult and challenging questions. Uncovering the answers to understand who we are and why we are here is essential to each of us living the life we are meant to live. To uncover these answers, we must find the way(s) that work best for us. Vince will share with us the most important questions, ways that we can use to find the answers and then channel the archangels and ascended masters to include Metatron, Michael, and St Germain. Select attendees with be able to ask questions. As a speaker, teacher, coach, clear conscious channel, and co-author of “Moments of Choice.” Vince Kramer’s distinct combination of experience, education and research helps him develop powerful talks, workshops, and online training in finding success and fulfillment by living life by their design. Mary is a practitioner of several modalities that support and raise energetic vibration. She is passionate about uniting like-minded people to collectively discover and master universal principles to envision and co-create a new way of life.
1 hour 15 minues
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
G and Barney Turner will teach you how to dowse a water well yourself.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and outer guidance to all dowsing activity. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others.
STEADY DOWSING IN THESE CHANGING TIMES Times used to be simpler – dowse to find water, a lost pet, or for which vitamin to take. Now that we are in this time of major transcendence or dimensional shift there may be a lot more factors to consider or dowse about to get precise information. Topics like dowsing futures – just trust? Or prepare? what about different dimensions being revealed? who/what to trust? Sandee will discuss some of these variables, as well as some resources to use with your dowsing. Some things are even radical or controversial, so bring your courage and questions! Sandee has been proudly kicked off Youtube for some of her information so you know it might be good!
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
My Approach I believe my Vision and approach is somewhat different than many other systems. I’ve seen suffering and tremendous frustration with so many people, especially sincere, well-meaning, spiritually-open people. It has touched me deeply, because I recognize so much of it as unnecessary and, in many cases, easily resolved. I have no interest in […] hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
The study of life, death, and the human spirit have fascinated many civilizations for a millennia. Yet it seems so mysterious and sometimes frightening to so many of us. Others have turned their research to the study of the Paranormal with electronic devices to gain some kind of evidence to the unseen world around us. […]
http://www.pendulumapometrics.comDowsing for, and Cooperating with, Sentient Nature Beings Explore how to dowse for, and authenticate, the real existence of nature beings. Learn procedures for photographing these lifeforms as they have drawn their stories in trees and rocks. The focus is on assisting dowsers to locate, substantiate and cooperate with specific types of sentient life forms who are nature’s stewards in another dimension.
1 hour 15 minues
Using Dowsing to clear non-beneficial energy from property, houses and people. Clearing the Path for Positive Changes in Your Life Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a path for blessings to manifest and to help make those changes in your life that you desire. Dowsing with a pendulum, the diagram of a house, business or human form to clear non-beneficial energy. Tuning into spirit, so you can write an affirmation, prayer or mantra that will continue to work and ground it. This technique will continue to work without you ever having to do anything else to it. Just sit back and let the blessings flow!!! Gladys McCoy – Arkansas. Co-founder of Ozark Research Institute, Treasurer and Event Coordinator. She is the Director of the Tuesday night Healing Meditation and First Sunday meetings at O.R.I. Gladys is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist and Dowser who works with non-beneficial energies (which can be geopathic, electromagnetic, spiritual and even disease) She clears houses, people, property and businesses. She also does remote dowsing to help people with life decisions and change. She is a Healing Touch facilitator and creator of “Unconditional Love Therapy” a powerful technique that aids in healing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Gladys is available for workshops and lectures across the U.S.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Clearing the Path for Positive Changes in Your Life Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse, and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a path for blessings to manifest and to help make those changes in your life that you desire. Dowsing with a pendulum, the diagram of a house, business or human form to clear non-beneficial energy. Tuning into spirit, so you can write an affirmation, prayer or mantra that will continue to work and ground it. This technique will to continue to work without you ever having to do anything else to it. Just sit back and let the blessings flow!!! builds on Part 1, Heal Yourself to Heal the World. Being bombarded daily with bad news happening both here and around the globe, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, helpless & without hope. Yet Lynn McTaggert In her book, The Power of Eight proved that there is great power and miracles occur when a group gathers regularly together with strong, focused intention to heal specific problems & achieve beneficial outcomes. Let’s apply dowsing to that objective. But first raise your own consciousness, amplify your energy field, & then clear detrimental energies before dowsing & gather with others doing the same. Receive a framework you can use to dowse together in group meetings to shift shared concerns of specific issues into a positive, healing direction. Dowsers CAN be a powerful part of the healing process. If desired, continue with an intensive workshop Monday “Dowsing On Mental/Emotional Issues - the Root Cause of Problems”.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
1 hour 15 minues
Ballroom C
Steve is a shamanic practitioner who uses shamanic techniques in his healing work. He communes with the spirit of Mount Tamalpais, and leads ceremonial hikes to power places there. MaryAnn is a licensed MFT trained in the Hakomi method of somatic psychotherapy. She brings warmth, sensitive listening skills, and deep intuitive perception to her work. […]
http://www.bioenergy-balancing.comThink Like Bob Sharon Mahany was introduced to dowsing as a child by her uncle, Robert Wade-Mahany, who pioneered an emotional/past life query system to get to the root of healing using a recording wire. She has been a member of Sierra Dowsers in Sacramento, CA for 18 years and an editor of ASD’s American Dowser quarterly digest from 2015-2021. Sharon works as a Teacher and Lifecoach to create ideal health and well-being using Human Design, Reiki, Emotional Processing, bioenergetic tuning forks, and of course, dowsing. Sharon is an award-winning poet and now a crop circle appreciator. Sharon teaches classes at Contact Sharon at 916-759-2043 or by email at [email protected]. Think Like Bob - Join Sharon Mahany invites you to Think Like Bob in this tribute to the energy work of her uncle, Robert Wade-Mahany. Bob worked in the San Mateo area and remotely doing psychogenic research with his fast-spinning recording wire. He was a frequent guest to the West Coast Dowsers Conference often seen working on other dowsers. Sharon will share Bob’s most important consciousness concepts including basic dowsing statements vs. questions, emotional components to healing, etheric body tune-up, syndromes, petal system, and personal stories. Plenty of time at the end for audience stories and comments.
1 hour 15 minues
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Dowsing with the Body for Energy Analysis and Renewal This is a highly interactive class with all participants receiving an analysis of 20- 50 energy pathways. This has a monetary value of several hundred dollars, but the value for your health far surpasses that. Each attendee will receive a personalized Qigong exercise routine that will take approximately 5 minutes every morning to begin your day with your energy body flowing correctly for better health. This helps body functions, as well as things like cognition, memory, less anxiety, and contentment. Qigong exercises are always very easy, and many can even be done from a wheelchair, or while seated in front of your TV. Such as thumping acupuncture point ST15 to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety on the body, mind, and emotions. Many of these tests were developed by the famous healer Donna Eden. This will be an amazing gift for your body. BIO: Chris Goin-Anderson has been a Shaman and Certified in Natural Therapies for over 20 years. Her primary goal is to restore homeostasis in the body without drugs or surgeries whenever possible. This often includes finding where destructive energies are coming from using dowsing rods or a pendulum. She is the author of two books: Dear Bonnie, My Life at Lake of the Ozarks (Self-Healing Techniques to Bridge the Gap Between Heaven and Earth) and Dowsing to Heal Body, Home and Earth. She has dedicated the past 20 years to discovering the hidden secrets to obtaining all that we desire. Chris Goin-Anderson 573-746-0864 Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to learn to choose love instead of fear. For the glory of God I send you Peace and Blessings on this Sacred Day.
1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom A
BIO: Chris Goin-Anderson has been a Shaman and Certified in Natural Therapies for over 20 years. Her primary goal is to restore homeostasis in the body without drugs or surgeries whenever possible. This often includes finding where destructive energies are coming from using dowsing rods or a pendulum. She is the author of two books: Dear […]
http://www.ChrisGoinTherapies.com1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom B
Part 2: Thoughts, Dowsing, and Birth of a New Humanity Thoughts and awareness allow you to dowse and connect to everything. It is part of your ability for both mental dowsing as well as physical dowsing (radiesthesia). We will explore this as well as the implication of who you are: Your I AM essence. We will explore the meaning of our being thoughts within thoughts within thoughts. We will explore connecting to your I AM Jerry Gin, Ph.D. Chairman/CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR)
Jerry Gin has spent more than 55 years in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, laboratory medicine, and biotechnology industries (founded ChemTrak, Oculex Pharmaceuticals, Livionex, Nuvora, and Visionex). His passionate interests have been in the areas of mind-being, consciousness, and the nature of reality. He is author of The Seeker and The Teacher of Light and Science, Subtle Energies, and Spirituality: A Path to I AM. See . YouTube channel: Education: Ph.D. in Biochemistry — UC Berkeley, MBA from Loyola, BS in Chemistry from University of Arizona
Sunnyvale CA, [email protected]
Chairman and CEO, Foundation for Mind-Being Research; Member, San Jose Dowsers Sunnyvale CA, [email protected] (408) 431-3719.1 hour 15 minues
Grand Ballroom C
Jerry Gin, Ph.D. is Chairman, CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research ( He has been an entrepreneur and scientist, but his main interest is understanding the nature of the universe which translates to understanding consciousness, the nature of creation, and who we are. His research has led him to a deeper understanding of our essence, […] + SuperConscious = Healing
DaNell will share how she applies the intuition received from Dowsing Charts to make lasting results in someone’s life, health, and well-being? Learn about your SuperConscious and how tapping into your intuition/SuperConscious can affect you and your client’s, even when they are across the country or around the world. SuperConscious can neutralize or delete imbalances and memories. It’s simple and very powerful.
1 hour 15 minues
I have always been intrigued about energy healing, consciousness, and health. In 1997 while raising my 5 children, I embarked on some extraordinary classes with people who were far ahead of their time in energy healing. I learned to be very proficient with Radionics, Dowsing, Rapid Eye Therapy, Tapping and several other modalities. I discovered […] Dowsing School - Richard Feather Anderson “Geomantic Ways to Create Labyrinths” Richard Feather Anderson will share (for the first time ever at a dowsing conference school!) his knowledge from 40 years of developing a unique metaphysical approach to the siting, orienting, and laying out of traditional Labyrinth designs on the ground. Don’t miss this special opportunity to learn experientially this pioneering geomantic dowser’s ways to “midwife” the birth of a labyrinth for the conference, in collaboration with Mother Earth and the Spirit of Place. Participants will become aware of the three vital information dowsing questions to add to your process - before asking “Where is the best place to put this Labyrinth?“ This will be part of transforming your relationship with labyrinths by shifting away from thinking of them as physical objects - toward something that is alive and conscious, which Feather calls the “Labyrinth Entity.” This approach will also reveal how to fill a Labyrinth with Divine Love from its inception, by manifesting it out of a blissful, attuned meditative state. Discover the geometer’s secrets for how to enlarge the center, so that walkers are received into a womb-like space, instead of an abrupt dead end. Practice drawing the labyrinth, using several different procedures, to understand the patterns in the design to be able to step up to a Labyrinth Builder’s level of understanding. We will spend the morning learning the things that are different about this geomantic approach to labyrinth creation, as preparation for laying out an ancient Seven-Circuit Labyrinth on the ground for the use of conference participants. Much of what you will learn in this advanced school can also be applied to other geomantic dowsing searches for the most appropriate spots for all human activities or structures. Bio Richard Feather Anderson is an internationally recognized pioneer in the revival of geomancy, feng shui, sacred geometry, and labyrinths. He started the West Coast Dowsing Conference Labyrinth Project in 1986, co-directed the National Convention’s Earth Mysteries Dowsing School, and generously shares his knowledge with passion and humor. Richard Feather Anderson 2036 Nevada City Hwy #20 Grass Valley, CA 95945 530-272-7737 [email protected]
8 hours
Grand Ballroom C
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Working with Earth Energies, or how to distinguish your Dragons from your Donuts, your leys from your earth grids. A masterclass in earth energy dowsing with international geomancer Grahame Gardner. Learn how to dowse for energy leys, earth grids, toroids (donuts), dragon lines and power centres. Biography - Grahame Gardner (Scotland) Grahame is a professional member and past President of The British Society of Dowsers and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious BSD Award and honorary Life Membership for exceptional services to dowsing and the Society. He is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsers and is a regular keynote speaker and workshop leader at international conventions. He is a founder member of The Geomancy Group and a founding partner (with Susan Collins of Canada) of, offering global dowsing solutions. Find out more at:
8 hours
Grand Ballroom B
Biography – Grahame Gardner (Scotland) Grahame is a professional member and past President of The British Society of Dowsers and in 2014 was awarded the prestigious BSD Award and honorary Life Membership for exceptional services to dowsing and the Society. He is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsers and is a […] hours
Ballroom A
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
Using Dowsing to Work with Subtle Energies
Subtle vibrational energies are an integral part of everything. Our right brain “sees” them and through the left brain and heart, our pendulum registers subtle energies. Our thoughts are used to invite subtle energies to follow our suggestions. In this workshop, we will learn some of the principles of subtle energies and practice detecting, moving, and copying them. We will learn to create and magnify the 3-6-9 energies. We will increase the harmony vibration of water and detect that. We will learn how to increase our own vibrational energy by moving toward our I AM essence and we will measure that.
If you have a neutral or wood pendulum, bring it to the workshop. Neutral Pendulums will be provided for the class.
3 hours
Ballroom A
Advanced Dowsing
Jerry Gin, Ph.D. is Chairman, CEO of the Foundation for Mind-Being Research ( He has been an entrepreneur and scientist, but his main interest is understanding the nature of the universe which translates to understanding consciousness, the nature of creation, and who we are. His research has led him to a deeper understanding of our essence, […] The Difference You Are Meant To Make Join Vince & Mary Kramer in learning the three steps in discovering, creating, and living your legacy while on earth. Discover ways to tap into your highest guidance to remember your Unique Purpose by connecting to the “Trinity of You.” We are on earth to make a difference, and the young people of the world need our help and direction. So relax and connect to the knowing part of you as Mary helps you raise your vibration by playing the Singing Bowls in preparation to ask your guides questions. We will conclude with Vince channeling The Round Table (TRT). TRT is a collection of Archangels, Ascended Masters and the guides of those in attendance. They will share, then take questions and coach.
3 hours
Ballroom C
Intermediate/Advanced Dowsing
All Day beginner school starts at 9:00 AM and goes until 5:00 PM with a 2 hour break for lunch from Noon to 2:00 PM. Students will learn how to use the basic dowsing tools, the Pendulum, L-rod, Y-Rod, and Bobber. They will learn how to dowse for water veins, thought forms, answer yes and no questions Teaching Modules & Need for water dowsing instruction • Definitions of dowsing & use of intuition • Four-Three-Two-One Method Four instruments, three methods, two critical considerations, and a desire to fulfill a need • Prices of tools and operation of things we don’t understand ) (a.m. break) • With students assigned to their teachers, tool instruction with all 4 tools, L-rod, Y-rod, Pendulum & Bobber • Centering Prayer example • Water well dowsing statement • Map dowsing well positions by x and y crossing locations – example • Field dowsing by line of bearing (direction) and distance-demonstrate with a well site in Room: Spruce – Use all four tools. (Lunch) Afternoon Field Dowsing (Begin in Spruce) • Field dowsing lesson plan-detailed example • Field dowsing with your teachers, using all four tools (return to Spruce) Afternoon in Spruce • How to Ask the Right Question Correctly • Examples of Practical Dowsing Applications • Questions & Answer Time – Instructors & Teachers are fair game • Comments by each of the teachers about learning experiences in their groups • Overall impressions and comments by the Instructors and students
8 hours
As a dowser, G attempts to combine objective thought, logic, science, intuition and both inner and outer guidance to all dowsing activity. He’s a consultant to Nor Cal Dowsers and others.
Nicolas Finck has been dowsing since 1980, and uses it daily for a variety of things such as choosing vitamins, grocery items or alternative routes when driving. He founded the Golden Gate Dowsers chapter of the ASD, and was a director of the West Coast Conference. He and his wife Elizabeth Gaines were on the West […]
Susan McNeill Spuhler is an Industrial Engineer and has been dowsing for over 30 years, successfully finding wells for clients throughout the northeastern United States as well as California. She also finds lost items and clears geopathic stress from property. Susan is the President of the Boston Dowsers, a life member of the American Society […] of Northern California Dowsers (Nor Cal Dowsers), Redding, CA. Young People’s Mystery School of Dowsing Coordinator and Instructor Jeannette was introduced to dowsing twenty-five years ago by Dr. Dianne Morrissey, enhancing her skills with many others including Carl Bracy, Walt Woods, Dr. Gloria Dodd, Pat Delafield, Barney Turner, Sharry Hope, G, etc. She dowses […]
http://www.NorCalDowsers.comClearing the Path for Positive Changes in Your Life Stuck in a rut? Health issues? Need prosperity? Is nothing working right in your life? Learn to clear non-beneficial energy from your home, business and body. This is a very easy and inexpensive way to dowse, and remove and reprogram non-beneficial energy. Learn to clear a path for blessings to manifest and to help make those changes in your life that you desire. Dowsing with a pendulum, the diagram of a house, business or human form to clear non-beneficial energy. Tuning into spirit, so you can write an affirmation, prayer or mantra that will continue to work and ground it. This technique will to continue to work without you ever having to do anything else to it. Just sit back and let the blessings flow!!! on DOWNLOAD PDF
DOWNLOAD PDFJoin us at the Little America Hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona for the Flagstaff Dowsers Conference!©
Mention you’re attending the Flagstaff Dowsers Conference© at the Little America Hotel, Motel 6 or Black Bart’s RV Park and get the conference rate!
Choose from a variety of suites with King or Two Queen Sized Beds at our special rate of $169 per night (plus tax). This Five Star Hotel is beautifully appointed, has a restaurant, swimming pool, gift shop and workout room. Free shuttle service from the Flagstaff Airport from 7:00 AM- 10:00 PM Daily.
Across the highway from the Little America Hotel (where the Dowsers Conference is being held). Reserve now for special conference rates. Weeknights Tues., Wed., and Thursday (October 3rd to 5th) $76.49 per night (plus tax). The price for Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday nights is $103.49 per night. Monday night and Tuesday night prices are $76.49 Please call the corporate reservations number: 1-800-544-4866 and give Group Confirmation Number: GP7EMASZGL to make your reservations. Thank you!
Shady campground with an Old West vibe, offering lots for tents & RVs, a steakhouse & general store. Call to make Reservations (928) 774 - 1912 Special Dowser Conference rate of $75.00 per night.
We welcome all loving Dowsers, Novice and Experienced, to this gathering of kindred souls. This IS our family reunion!
I am honored to be the Keynote Speaker for the Flagstaff Dowsers Conference and I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person!